here's the collection!

There once was a prince who lived high up in the tipiest top of a castle tower. Even though he was only 11, he had done many princey things in his short life: he had lived in another castle across the sea, been captured by a wicked witch who turned him into a frog, been […]

“You’re squishing me!” “You’re a pillow; don’t you like being squished? I loooooooooooove being squished. Physical Touch is my love language.” “Well, my love language is Alone Time, so get. off!” “Sorry, but since I too am a pillow, I don’t have any appendages that can help me to move from one place to another. […]

Benji took a hop to get back in pace with his sister. He looked through the trees next to the path. There it was again—the bottom of a wooden staircase, the rest of it winding away out of view, a smiling face leaning out—

        “So,” Gabriel put a hand on Jesus’ shoulder, respectfully, and affectionately, “How are you feeling?” Jesus was donning a modest human body for his farewell party.         “Excited as any kid at Christmas,” Jesus winked.         “Huh?” Jesus left Gabriel, scratching his head, until the angel finally gave up trying to […]

Molly and Edward danced around their freshly cut Douglas Fir with delight. Just last evening they went out from their little cabin in the woods to select just the perfect one. There it was, in amongst all the other firs, pines, and spruces, its branches waving in the crisp breeze, as if to say, “Me! […]

  The tale had been told From semesters ago One of both humor and warning Passed down and reused And caused us to muse In a dorm meeting held just that morning The lecture went as follows: There once was lad Who had it quite bad For a lovely young maid at the school He […]

        “What do you crave most?” asked Jamie of her new friend Stacy, as they lounged like sleepy turtles, sunning on a log. Jamie’s protruding belly was only slightly larger than Stacy’s. Their toddlers squealed and chased each other into the other room, and Stacy relished the momentary quiet.         “Attention, I […]

Everything will be missing this Thanksgiving. But we will have WAY more than we could want.

Being part of a writing group has been one of the great joys of this past year for me. The advice every writer hears is to “write, write, write!” and this has been a tremendously fun way to follow that advice.

The goose sat trembling in her nest. She had just heard the most terrifying news. The horse, whose stall was next to her nest had just heard from the barn cat, who heard from the crow, who heard from the dog, who heard from the mouse who lived in the farmhouse inside a tiny hole […]