here's the collection!

“Now I’m technology creeping into your house,” it said. This was a strange thing for a trick-or-treater to do and say, thought Molly. She stood frozen, staring at the kid.

Before Time began, before days and weeks and years, there was Author.

Jamie Mae skipped down the street.
At a gate, she stopped to greet
a scarecrow with a burlap head.
The scarecrow winked and waved, and said:
   The pumpkins in the patch are growing!
   Can you feel a cold wind blowing?

My eyes fell on the little machine plugged into the wall on the counter across from me. All sorts of happy little neurotransmitters started firing in my brain.

If you need to get up to speed, the contest started in our last post, which you can read HERE. Below are the various conclusions to the story, beginning with the WINNING ENTRY by Kelsi Harris! Congratulations, Kelsi!!! We loved the humor and twist ending in your story. It was the perfect end-cap to this […]

HOW IT WORKS This is a group storytelling challenge. It began with the four of us (Cedar, then Emily H., then Emily M., then Elisa), and now it ends with YOU! Our story has reached its climax but now we need an ending. So here’s the rundown: You have a 20 minute time limit, period. […]

I don’t know where the cactus was born, but I know where it died. The small plant, fierce in its smallness, standing sentinel over the surrounding succulents in the home I offered it. Its blistering needles kept danger at bay, but it couldn’t protect from the danger within. It stood in the midst of those […]

Leslie breathed in the delicious fall air as she strolled down the trail after her young children. She could hear them around the corner of the trail, a trail she could walk blind. For a moment Leslie closed her eyes and felt the warm sun on her face. Until she heard the high-pitched squeals and […]

      Trudy grabbed her brother’s hand. They had been walking down the wooded path for some time, and she had sensed Sam’s nervousness, but hesitated to say anything. She loved being his big sister, but saw that as they were getting older, that he was wanting to prove his independence. In this moment, however, […]

One day Ajax the monkey was enjoying a juicy fruit in a tree branch, when he accidentally dropped the fruit, and it fell to the jungle floor with a thud. Ajax swung down and dropped next to it. Just as his hand was about to close again on the delicious half-eaten fruit, he stopped short, […]